Nana Biakova (1990) embodies the essence of a movement-based performance and visual art, residing between the realms of Kyiv and Tokyo. Her canvas is her own corporeal form, a neutral material she employs to delve into the memory patterns, boundaries, identity, and the intricate interplay between human and other-than-human entities. Since 2016, Nana has been devoted to the practice and exploration of Ankoku Butoh, a Japanese avant-garde dance that emerged post-WW2 and is often referred to as "the dance of the dead." Delving into this profound art form, she has sought mastery from Butoh maestros across Japan. Imbued with dedication, she studies the historical tapestry of Butoh, with Keio University Art Archive in Tokyo serving as a guiding beacon for her research and performances.

Lost Movement
An Objet on the Border of the Land
Urban LAB
Distortion map
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